Being True to Myself the Artistic Way

For as long as I can remember I always felt compelled to unleash my talents to the world. My Grandmother nurtured my artistic talents by being both my adviser and biggest fan. She would collect fashion magazines and teach me how to braid my hair. She and I were so Read more

Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Defeat – Inspiring Women Everywhere

Immediately following the presidential election, I felt compelled to run for office, and I don’t think that I am necessarily alone in feeling that way. In fact, ever since the outcome of the election, we have seen a spike in interest from women who are considering running for elected office. Read more

All in favour of #theConservativeMajority, Wear White!

A satire on the ‘Wear White’ campaign against Pink Dot 2014, Singapore The devil doesn’t wear Prada but the pious garb of #theConservativeMajority, pour me another glass of bigotry! Modern day pastors and quasi-politicians pull the cards of Religion and Morality in the name of #theConservativeMajority, crucify and slay the Read more

An Actor’s Journey: “This is THE job. This is the hard part.”

I am an actress. My parents saved their money in 1984 so that they could pay for my SAG card. I think at the time it cost $250. I had shot a “Cheerios” commercial, which never aired. I was 9 years old. We’re from New York City. THE city. Manhattan. Read more