Sabado Gigante: A Saturday Night Tradition With My Father

My father and I had a unique tradition on Saturday nights. We spent this night together for years. First, during summers when he would drive from Arizona to the cooler climes of Southern California to where I had escaped my small town roots. Later, as he grew older and frailer, Read more

Family Fears and Invisible Illness

Life is hard, it’s even harder when you are diagnosed with a debilitating invisible illness. Once that diagnosis is given, it can feel like a life sentence. You start to work through a pattern of grief. At first, you are relieved to know that there’s a name for these symptoms Read more

Donald Trump, Rape and the Final Taboo

When I first entered the world of social media it was mainly for fun: finding like-minded people, sharing stuff about favourite TV shows and so on.Over the years, though, things changed: these days I use it to read the news I wouldn’t get from the regular media. I also use Read more


so many words remain unspoken, so many desires remain unexpressed, so many prayers remain unanswered, unheard… only regret remains… only tears and sorrow… loss and agony; of the “unachievable”… only emptiness resides inside hollow eyes and soul-less bodies no beating heart, no breathing soul only emptiness… just this deep, dark, Read more