Just the Other Stuff

When I ran away for the first time I hid in my closet in my bedroom with Judy Blume and a flashlight until my dad found me and brought me home. Matter seemed so solid and still then. The second time I skipped town I hopped on my red ten-speed Read more

Melissa Mulvihill

Melissa writes from northeast Ohio where she lives with her husband and sons, 18 and 22. She has been published in multiple issues of The Blue Nib Literary Magazine, Intermission E-Zine, The Write Launch Literary Magazine, Poet's Haven Digest, Strange Land Anthology, The Distance Between Insanity and Genius Anthology, and It Was a Dark and Stormy Night Anthology. Her poem, Your Phone Call, appeared in The Blue Nib 2017 Anthology. She writes about homeschooling and growing kids during a decade long battle with stage 4 Endometriosis and she shares stories that demand to be told from her childhood in Danville, Illinois. She writes for the same reason's she reads poetry-because it's crowded in her head and heart.

The Portrait of a Poet

White walls of an insomniac closing in on the cold malice of human emptiness. I sit alone and wonder- The only callous of a life lived is the constant ache, for even change isn’t constant. Many nights I have sat on my bed and emptied the wells of my being Read more

Paakhi Bhatnagar

Paakhi Bhatnagar is a student from India and an avid reader of historical fiction. She is a passionate feminist and blogs about current politics and feminist issues. She also possess the uncanny ability of turning everything into a debate.

D: The One E

I’ll take a snapshot of this moment in time You soundly sleeping The sun peeking through the blinds Slowly opening my eyes… I dread the numbers on the clock The day has finally come My little birdy has got to fly. She listens to me We sing the same song Read more

Brianna Scott

I am an 18 year old naive libra girl who is really gullible and still believes in fairytales and love at first sight. I moved across the country to northern California to find a new adventure.

Memory Jigsaw

The powerpoint was perfectly laid out; She really is a talented teacher. Too many people disregard the power Of a well spoken lecture. Too many people don’t know shit. It was on the way memory works. So get this: dopamine is released When someone is learning. Dopamine! Isn’t that the Read more

Laura McDermott

Laura McDermott is an high school English teacher in Bedford, NH. She describes herself as a "nascent poet" but a passionate one. She enjoys culture shock, a fluffy cat at her feet, and dry red wine.

I can press my womanhood into the void

Ghost imprint in the wall holds a hand shape Small boy presses into brick and mortar to disappear Invisibly thin sucking in his air – forgets to release an exhale No noise invisible boy becomes fresh paint As he dries on the breath of someone who should not— have touched Read more

Elisabeth Horan

Elisabeth Horan is a poet mother student lover of kind people and animals, homesteading in Vermont with her tolerant partner and two young sons. She writes to survive and survives to write - We are all battling something. Let's support each other. Elisabeth enjoys riding horses and caring for her cats, chickens, goats and children (not necessarily in that order). She teaches at River Valley Community College in New Hampshire.

How many more lives will be lost?

Pop! Pop! Pop! Three lives lost. A refrain as familiar to American ears as “Jingle Bells” Are we numb? Deaf? I wonder. Where is the outrage? Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Five lives lost.A mother uses her body as a shield, protecting her two-month-old baby From shards of glass screaming Read more

Lauren Halsted

Lauren Halsted Burroughs teaches English at Cuyamaca Community College in San Diego, CA. She began her career in writing as an editorial assistant at Surfing Girl Magazine almost two decades ago, and has worked as a journalist, grant writer, online content writer, and has dabbled in research and academic publishing. She is happiest when spending time with her two young children, family, and friends and/or playing in the ocean.

Oscar Wilde Performs Surgery on the Wizard

This one time, Oscar Wilde removes my eyes with a silver spoon and replaces them with Dorian Gray’s eyes he declares, “If eyes are windows to the soul… then let them be fictitious may they never look old and tired.” we‘re in London of course drinking wine made from grapes Read more

Justin Karcher

Justin Karcher is a Pushcart-nominated poet and playwright born and raised in Buffalo, New York. He is the author of Tailgating at the Gates of Hell (Ghost City Press, 2015), the chapbook When Severed Ears Sing You Songs (CWP Collective Press, 2017), the micro-chapbook Just Because You've Been Hospitalized for Depression Doesn't Mean You're Kanye West (Ghost City Press, 2017), Those Who Favor Fire, Those Who Pray to Fire (EMP, 2018) with Ben Brindise, and Bernie Sanders Broke My Heart and I Turned into an Iceberg (Ghost City Press, 2018). He is also the editor of Ghost City Review and co-editor of the anthology My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry (BlazeVOX [books], 2017). He tweets @Justin_Karcher.

Gypsy Goddess

You’re a gypsy when it comes to life and love… what with your crazed desires your lofty ideas your wild push and pull ~ your wandering essence knows no rest. Your feet are forever on the ground, ensconced in the finery that suits you best, be it stilettos or sneakers Read more

Katherine Silke

Katherine Silke has been a writer and stay-at-home mother since 1996, working in local journalism on a part-time and freelance basis while raising her two daughters. Prior to having her children, she taught middle-school English at an alternative school in Spring, Texas. A resident of Florida for the past 20 years, Katherine is a breast cancer survivor who collaborates with her hometown hospital in educating women on breast health and self care. She has just completed her first novel and is working on her second, in addition to dipping her toes in poetry writing.