Last Prayer

It is an inconvenient time, swaddled tightly with life’s circumference. Enmeshed with an array of emotions, responsibilities. I am culpable for everyone. I am liable to provide the means to fulfill their urgent desire to be happy. I am a one stop shop. As my body matures, my vanity has Read more

I Am Eating

Empty and white; slowly stripping down to collarbones and shiny shoes that look nice with her thinning silver gown. Grown to adore those cold feet and sleek ridges that adorn the backs of a hundred pale faces on paper. Scarred and hushed; lips quivering like the soul in her teeth, Read more

I Feel Pretty with Makeup On

I haven’t felt comfortable in my skin since I was a teenager. And this is odd to me, because when I was a teenager, I was disgusted by my reflection. Horrified and sickened, I would gag at the sight of myself in the mirror. I’m far from being a kid Read more

Are You There? It’s Me, Your Younger Self

Kindergarten. First grade. Second grade. Those were the years that I endured bullying. I remember in first grade, the year I got glasses; I began getting teased. I didn’t understand why, especially when I wore purple glasses with speckles. How could nobody like them? My hair, it was so long, Read more