For the Love of the Game: Soccer and Me

One of the earliest memories of my childhood was watching my friends playing soccer in front of Grandma’s house. During these impromptu matches, it was nearly impossible to cross the field on the way to the market without getting hit by one of those balls. I had the same issue Read more

Becoming an American Citizen: A Latina’s Story

To begin a new life in a new country involves compromise and can be both a blessing and a burden. I’ve experienced both in the same day. It was one of the hardest days of my life.The lump in my throat stopped me from saying goodbye to my family verbally. Read more

Love is Love: The Reality of LGBT Latino Community

Certain challenges come with being a Latin individual living in the U.S.A. It can be difficult to embrace a new culture, while keeping your roots and simultaneously staying true to your home traditions. When I first moved to the US some friends laughed at my accent, strangers judged me based Read more

The Roller Coaster Ride of Office Romance

Why you should and shouldn’t get involved with a work colleague and my ultimate tell-all tip. Let’s face it, the thought of workplace romances can be thrilling. Secret spontaneous moments of misadventures. A man in uniform or suit. Heart-racing romance anywhere, anytime. I read a survey recently that queried Americans married Read more