Found Wanting: Burning With Anger, The Hidden Truth of Eating Disorders

At my childhood best friend Ashley’s house, the pantry was big enough to sit in, and when we were bored, we did just that, eating whatever was around us. The pantry was long and narrow, cool and dark, with hardwood floors obscured by tins of flour and multi-flavored popcorn. It Read more


The rib never fit And the apple had worms Fig leaves are for fools shaming the Triangle of life Caves sheltered as long as you brought Down your share, felled by points you Chiseled by the hour, in between Sewing skins and putting the baby To your breast— Migrations, snow, Read more

Mindscape of a pregnant girl after the death of her lover

Paris, France 1920 AT last! They’ve left! They think that I’m asleep! They think that they can rest from their watch, but I know better, I know that they can’t stop me. Here’s the window! Open the shutters, and there’s the street five stories below! They think I’m a coward, Read more