she fears
the dark
as it
consumes her
and then
all at once
trapping her
in its
never ending quest
to seize her mind
and bury her soul.

she’s trapped
just a girl
lost in a
mood maelstrom
to capture back
her soul.

she knows
she understands
that the darkness
will only
on its terms
not hers.

she clings
to normalcy
as she waits
and prays
that her mask
will soon come
releasing her
from this
called mood.

Photo Credit: richardroyle Flickr via Compfight cc

Written by 

Dori Owen is a storyteller, writing from small town Arizona, after living a few decades in California as an LA Wild Child, with a brief stop in Reno. She settled into grownup life as a project manager, collecting an MBA and a few husbands along the way. She is a shown artist and her favorite pastime is upcycling old furniture and decor she finds from thrift stores. She lives with the cat who came to visit but stayed. The love of her life is her grown son who lives in Portland, Oregon. Her essays and poems have been published in RAW&UNFILTERED VOL I, StigmaFighters Vol 2, and Love Notes From Humanity. Her blogs have been featured on The Lithium Chronicles, Open Thought Vortex, Sudden Denouement, and The Mighty.

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