Dreaming of an Independence Day for Her

in the course of it
another 4th of July approaches
and I find myself working and
dreaming furiously of an
Independence Day for her

firecrackers and bottle rockets
exploding and proclaiming
her freedom
from being thought of
as something less than a man

her freedom
from being judged
by the color of her skin
her freedom
from being seen as
nothing more than a sperm receptacle

her freedom
from being measured by her looks
her freedom
from being punished for being the victim
her freedom
from being afraid of walking down a street

her freedom
from being told who to love
her freedom
from raising her children in poverty

red white and blue sparklers
and roman candles
blazing and announcing
her liberty
to speak and be heard

her liberty
to love herself
her liberty
to have a choice when it comes to her body
her liberty
to age

her liberty
to dress herself without being judged
her liberty
to express her sexuality

her liberty
to love whomever she chooses
her liberty
to earn what a man earns

just like a patriot
I am declaring her equality
and her beautiful birthright of
being loved and respected for who she is
a woman and a human being.

Photo Credit: Peter Chyla via Compfight cc

Written by 

John Michael Antonio is a freelance writer, photographer, poet and screenwriter. He claims his Midwestern roots while at the same time admitting his incurable and insatiable love and addiction for all things New York City. He has been the husband to his wife, the love of his life, for almost thirty years and is a father of three wonderful children. He is an unapologetic male feminist as well as a passionate lover of fashion, art, movies and music from all eras and genres. An endless dreamer, John Michael is also an avid historian, ex-punk rocker and a legendary Internet surfer who sleeps, on average, about four hours a day. His work has also been featured on The Good Men Project.

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