The Modern Art of Communicating via Screens

A lot of my friends lament that iPhones and Facebook have destroyed the integrity of person-to-person distance communication. In the “good ol’ days,” when communicating via screens were not an option, people actually called one another on the phone, and were able to hear one another. This aural experience allowed Read more

Lost in Translation: How Embracing Vulnerability Saved Me

For as long as I can remember, my thoughts have been trapped in my head. An ineffectual communicator, I always listened to others and took to heart the words they said. I never responded. I was silent. Childhood for me was silence. I never exposed a pure thought or an emotion that I was feeling. I just could not find the courage, or the right words to say what I felt.

Build a Better Relationship by Listening

I say we can make our worlds better by giving the gift of truly listening to each other. KEEP QUIET This allows the other to talk uninterrupted.  In other words, shut up and pay attention.  An occasional, “Really?” or “Uh huh” is okay, but no adding your story, trying to fix the problem or even trying to Read more