I Was a Fearless Little Girl

I’ll never know if my mother thought that she might have had a cross dressing pre-teen son, or maybe she just thought that I was just a theatrical kid. After a quick costume change out of my denim bugle boys and into her brazier and favorite silver and turquoise jewelry, I was the most fearless little girl on the North Side of the Bronx, and that helped keep me alive.

Walk, Don’t Ride: A Sober Message From Prison

I didn’t have a problem. I did have a problem, but it wasn’t a bad one. Alright, it was bad. But… Okay, no buts, I was sick. I was unconditionally hooked on alcohol and drugs. I was sleeping with Denial; we were lovers, her and I…ahh, the beauty of Denial. Read more

James Allen Gamache

James Allen Gamache is serving a life sentence in prison after drugs held him, prisoner, most of his adult life.

How to Lose All of Your Friends in 5 Minutes

So how does one lose all their friends in 5 minutes? Well, it’s not that hard actually. Just tell them the truth, that’s it.But please don’t be fooled, this is easier said than done and it will, of course, have its consequences. I myself have yet to do this, but Read more

Richard DeFino

Ricky De Fino grew up in New York City and currently resides in Buffalo NY. When he isn’t writing about his anxiety and his crazy Bronx upbringing, he enjoys watching countless hours of television with his wife Andrea, cat Bebe and dog Zeke. Two years sober, good coffee and veganism keeps him sane. His work can be found in Two Cities Review, tNY Press, Purple Pig Lit, Dialougal and Cycatrix Press.

A Substance Abuse Story

Everything in life can teach us lessons. Some good, some bad. Some that alter us completely and irrevocably forever. Well I have something that’s teaching me some lessons constantly and that thing is Bipolar Disorder. It has taught me a lot of lessons over the years. It has taken me through a Read more

Meghan Shultz

I am 27 years old I’ve been living with mental illness for most of my life. I have Bipolar I Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder. But that’s not all I am. I am also a writer, a painter, a knitter, and an avid walker. I love the winter time; I love the rain. I also have a constantly growing collection of stuffed animals. I love tattoos. I have also recently published a book Always Unstable: Bipolar and Hospitalisation: A Memoir. It is available on Amazon.