47 Trips Around the Sun

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them. -Virginia Woolf On January 16th, I will be celebrating another trip around the sun. I never dreamed I would pass over onto the other Read more

Shadow People

The majestic trees stand silent as their burnt leaves free-fall to the ground. The short season to live and die is upon us. There is no wind to make the journey playful, less somber. The leaves will be stomped on, trampled or simply shriveled into paper-thin nothingness. Some say autumn Read more

Shut Up, and Listen

Did you remember to open your eyes, and un-wax your ears when you woke this morning? Did you take for granted the cozy 500-thread count sheets, and the down pillows propped under your head? Did you have a proper bed to sleep in with too many pretty, pleasing greige throw Read more

Enormous Silence

Silence sails on an enormous ocean floor, crashing frothy waves like an invisible ember burning to keep you warm. Oblong rays inside a bell jar with plastic people counterfeited on broken lids to resemble fake humanity. Confinement slices across thick loaves of bread straight out of the oven, like a Read more