Donald Trump, Rape and the Final Taboo

When I first entered the world of social media it was mainly for fun: finding like-minded people, sharing stuff about favourite TV shows and so on.Over the years, though, things changed: these days I use it to read the news I wouldn’t get from the regular media. I also use Read more


so many words remain unspoken, so many desires remain unexpressed, so many prayers remain unanswered, unheard… only regret remains… only tears and sorrow… loss and agony; of the “unachievable”… only emptiness resides inside hollow eyes and soul-less bodies no beating heart, no breathing soul only emptiness… just this deep, dark, Read more

How to Lose All of Your Friends in 5 Minutes

So how does one lose all their friends in 5 minutes? Well, it’s not that hard actually. Just tell them the truth, that’s it.But please don’t be fooled, this is easier said than done and it will, of course, have its consequences. I myself have yet to do this, but Read more

Tangled Up In My Hair

Almost all of us have a part of our body we truly despise. I could tell you I hate my chubby rolls or my big booming breasts. But most of all, I have an ugly-affair with my hair! It all started 19 years ago. My mom took my sister and Read more

Reclaiming Our Periods and Erasing the Taboo Associated with Menstruation

Over the last few months, I have noticed something: periods are disappearing!  Not with anyone in particular, but just in general. Periods are disappearing from popular culture and have returned to the outer fringes as if they were once again an embarrassing taboo. The only time you hear them being Read more