I Hacked into My Teenager’s Facebook Account

After reading this story, you may think I’m the worst parent ever or you may think that I’m the best parent ever. Nevertheless, I proudly claim both titles because I earned them: Without her knowledge, I hacked into my teenager’s Facebook account.  I willingly peered into every hidden corner of her life, and she doesn’t know Read more

The NSA, Naked Women — and How We Differentiate Between Violations of Privacy.

On November 12, 2014, ten years and a distance of 6.5 billion kilometers after its initial launch, the European Space Agency successfully landed a probe on a targeted comet whirling through space. This has never, ever been done before. On the very same day, Paper magazine released photos of Kim Read more

Amy Martin

Amy was born on the wrong side of the Holland Tunnel, and has considered this just-missed connection to be a metaphor for her life ever since. Later, she traveled north to New England and received her degrees in Philosophy, Theatre and French. The years to follow have been spent traveling the world and working on multiple projects in Kenya, in a desperate attempt to save humanity. Amy spends most of her free time daydreaming about being French — but you can also find her in the garden, in the kitchen or on her yoga mat. Amy writes about travel, ethics, life and everything in-between.