The Chameleon

She makes magic with her warm colors,
and lets us play with our creativity.

Alexandra Mantovanelli- Krantz

Alexandra Mantovanelli- Krantz is a freelance writer, all-around filmmaker, and photographer, known as Xander Productions, who lives in Amsterdam, in The Netherlands. When she was thirteen she started to use writing, photography and other forms of visual art as means of self-expression, to better understand her reality, and to express her interpretation of the world around her. That’s why she decided to take up the opportunity to study photography and all the visuals arts and so she did. In 2008 she got a bachelor degree in Fine Arts, with specialization in Film and Visual Arts, and in 2011 she completed her master in Digital Filmmaking and Photography. She also made many courses about creative writing and screenwriting. In October 2005 one of her poems won the 2nd Prize in the category Young Poets of the XVIII-NATIONAL POETRY COMPETITION 'Enrico Zorzi' (Garda Lake, Italy). When she was completing her bachelor in 2008, some of her poems about when she lived in Italy have been published in an anthology, "The little warrior" (original title: La Piccola Guerriera), in several print and online publications for Kimerik, an Italian publishing house. February 2016 she won the 3rd Prize in the category Fiction Short Story at the Literary Prize Contest of Cultural Association “Fuori dal Coro” (Out of the Choir) in Italy, and in March 2017 she won the Merit award of National Poetry and Narrative Prize "Alda Merini". Alda Merini is one of the most known Italian poets of the 20th century. She is also involved in competitions about novels, short stories, screen- writing and since many years she has been participating in writing competitions in the English language. In May 2017 she got a positive review about some of her poems from Julia Bird, Creative Director at The Poetry School in London, England. Moreover, since February 2017, she is the videographer and photographer of the Ehlers-Danlos Society organization, in the United Kingdom and USA. For the annual congress of 2017 she will be in Las Vegas (USA) between the 6th and the 9th of next September. Since the 2017 she makes interviews and pictures of her articles in the VED magazine (Vereniging Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Patienten in Netherlands), where she works also as editor.