The Wisdom of Marriage

Marriage. To know the word is to peer into the deepest cave of human behavior. There is a biological presence in marriage. Out of the two come one—half and half and in the diploid reality there is the impulse to marry—to join together. In my novel “Citadel” I ask the question—what Read more

Jack Remick

I’ve worked underground as a tunnel rat. I’ve been a social worker, a school teacher, a bus driver, a retail clerk, a turkey debeaker, and a house painter. Early on, I ran off to South America a couple times where, with my partner, Ramon—a Chilean expatriate, I bummed around as a teacher, smuggler, and general low-life who returned to the States under a red flag when the U.S. consul in Cali, Colombia booted me out rather than renew my passport. I’ve lived in Mexico where my family were silver miners in operations that never made any money but sounded good in hard copy. More recently, I live and write in Seattle.