Conscious Capitalism® Issues Statement on Whole Foods CEO Link to Alleged Sex Abuser

Business ethics organization founded by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey releases statement on his ties to former Rabbi Marc Gafni. Conscious Capitalism, Inc., a nonprofit business ethics organization co-founded by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, has issued a statement about Mackey’s association with Marc Gafni, a spiritual leader and former rabbi Read more

Nancy Levine

Nancy Levine is the author of the four-book series beginning with The Tao of Pug (Penguin) has just been released. She spent 30 years in corporate recruiting and human resources roles, starting at American Express Company. More recently, Nancy has devoted herself to advocacy efforts, working to eradicate child sexual abuse and amplifying the voices of survivors. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

An Open Letter to Whole Foods and Conscious Capitalism: Sexual Violence Accountability

Dear members of the boards of directors of Whole Foods Market and Conscious Capitalism, Inc.: How do we change the culture of sexual violence? Should conscious leaders hold each other accountable? We respect and admire Whole Foods CEO John Mackey’s commitment to the value of loyalty. As a founding board Read more

Nancy Levine

Nancy Levine is the author of the four-book series beginning with The Tao of Pug (Penguin) has just been released. She spent 30 years in corporate recruiting and human resources roles, starting at American Express Company. More recently, Nancy has devoted herself to advocacy efforts, working to eradicate child sexual abuse and amplifying the voices of survivors. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.