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In our culture, we have been conditioned to believe that birth is something to be dreaded, feared and abhorred. So much so that we blindly turn our bodies and our babies over to who we are told is an expert, often a stranger. Someone who can rescue us from our Read more

Vivian Keeler

Dr. Vivian Keeler has devoted most of her adult life to the care and education of women and their families. She has been a Chiropractic Physician since 1986 with a special focus on the health of pregnant women. She is a natural birth expert who has attended more than 800 births as a doula and has taught HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method, to hundreds of couples over the last 13 years. She is also a Certified Hypnotist. She is a faculty member of the HypnoBirthing Institute and sits on their Board of Directors. Dr. Keeler has received the HypnoBirthing Institutes Diamond Award for her contributions to the advancement of HypnoBirthing. She has shared her expertise through many speaking engagements, articles and interviews and is responsible for co-creating several training programs that have inspired many birth professionals to become agents of change in their own communities. Dr. Keeler is the co-founder of Amazing Births & Beyond and Contemporary Doula International. Her passion lies in inspiring and empowering women to create beautiful births, happy families and health in body, mind and spirit. She resides in Hollywood, Florida with her husband, Tim and their two amazing daughters, who were birthed naturally at home.