Vehicles and Men

If it has tires or testicles, it’s going to give you problems. The bumper sticker was catchy and summed my life up to a capital T. I reckon I’ve had as many relationships as I’ve had cars, and at the age of 62 years, that could really add up. Fortunately, Read more

Connie Cook

Connie lives in Port Credit, Ontario, Canada and when she’s not working at her real job as a Registered Nurse, aka the one that pays the bills, she writes. Her short stories have been published by Pacific Magazines in Australia, Many moons ago, she wrote a weekly children’s fiction column for the Guelph Mercury. She also admits to being a servant to her two black cats. Her short story about one of them was published by a Chicken Soup for the Soul series titled “My very good, very bad cat.” Connie’s motto is “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”