A Substance Abuse Story

Everything in life can teach us lessons. Some good, some bad. Some that alter us completely and irrevocably forever. Well I have something that’s teaching me some lessons constantly and that thing is Bipolar Disorder. It has taught me a lot of lessons over the years. It has taken me through a Read more

Meghan Shultz

I am 27 years old I’ve been living with mental illness for most of my life. I have Bipolar I Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder. But that’s not all I am. I am also a writer, a painter, a knitter, and an avid walker. I love the winter time; I love the rain. I also have a constantly growing collection of stuffed animals. I love tattoos. I have also recently published a book Always Unstable: Bipolar and Hospitalisation: A Memoir. It is available on Amazon.