Daughter, I Failed You Today

Daughter, I failed today. I’ve been a hypocrite. You may only be 3, but I work every day to teach you that your body is your own. Your body is more than the size it takes up or the shape it’s formed into. I want you to know your body Read more

Shelby Eckard

Shelby is a mother of two living in the burbs of Atlanta who works as a Fitness Nutrition and Weight Loss Specialist (NASM) and spends her free time trying to get over her break up with Carbs, (I miss you, Pizza Joe. Call me.) making it through the hours between coffee and wine, pretending to be cool on Instagram and Facebook, and fighting the good fight in her head between “ I wanna look good naked” and “ I eat cake in bed”. She blogs at www.survivingshelby.com and covers topics such as positive body image, PCOS, eating disorder recovery, and humor. She is really, just a woman trying to get her sh*t together.