The Bus Ride

Evening afoot

she waits at the stop.

Mind elsewhere,

on her day, or

merely tired, distant.

Boarding the empty bus,

relieved for warmth, quiet.

Town’s edge – but

what is happening?

Where are you going?

She demands,

nearly screaming now,

You should have turned back there!

The bus lurches down a long hill

tall trees either side.

Sick in her throat

countryside engulfs the road

taking them out of town.

This is the number 26

replies the driver,

slightly annoyed, or

perhaps alarmed.

Let me out.

Let. Me. Out.  Now!


I can’t stop between st –


He brakes hard

in anger or shock.

She doesn’t care which.

She scrambles, half-falling

down the steps.

Her feet reach the kerb

as the bus accelerates

away into the dark.

Leaving her alone, trembling

in the fast-rising twilight.

She runs, gasping, sobbing

back up the hill, now

towards the lights of town.

Away from the bus. From him.

And from her triggered mind.


Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

Judith Staff

Judith Staff’s background is in teaching and early years education. She still teaches occasionally, though now her main focus is in child welfare and safeguarding children. Her work includes delivering training, presenting at conferences, and engaging in collaborative projects with schools around child abuse awareness and sexual violence prevention. She enjoys writing blogs and poetry on topics she feels passionate about. Judith loves running, gym classes and karate. She is married to an art lecturer and they live in Northamptonshire, England with their three free-spirited children, a 12- year-old son, and daughters aged 11 and 9.

Written by 

Judith Staff’s background is in teaching and early years education. She still teaches occasionally, though now her main focus is in child welfare and safeguarding children. Her work includes delivering training, presenting at conferences, and engaging in collaborative projects with schools around child abuse awareness and sexual violence prevention. She enjoys writing blogs and poetry on topics she feels passionate about. Judith loves running, gym classes and karate. She is married to an art lecturer and they live in Northamptonshire, England with their three free-spirited children, a 12- year-old son, and daughters aged 11 and 9.

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