VIDEO: How to Look Beautiful

So your  laundry list of goals is set! It only contains 17 goals, each with a subset for clarification and perfection assurance. Looks something like this: Lose 11 pounds. a) tighten up stomach b) maintain booty-licious Write epic novel. a) 10 pages per day, 12 font, single-spaced b) edit week’s Read more

Susan Miner

Susan Miner, M.A. went from posing and ‘giving face’ as a model to teaching and serving as a Psychology professor and counselor. Currently, as President and Founder of Beauty From the Inside Out, Susan is an Inspirational Leader and Mentor. As a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, author and counselor, Susan is committed to helping individuals with beauty from the inside out. Her unique approach combines energy healing and traditional psychological techniques that leave her clients feeling more relaxed and focused even after only a few minutes of work. She is known for her successful treatment for anxiety. Susan is blessed with her 6-year old daughter, Charlee Rose.

Finding Your Divine Beauty, an Excerpt

Enjoy this sneak peek of Beautiful Energy: Exercises to Reveal Your Inner Peace, Feminine Collective’s first published work in the self help genre by author Susan Miner, M.A. (view author bio below). Divine Beauty is when we fully open up to our individualized spirituality. Spirituality is different for everyone. What Read more

Susan Miner

Susan Miner, M.A. went from posing and ‘giving face’ as a model to teaching and serving as a Psychology professor and counselor. Currently, as President and Founder of Beauty From the Inside Out, Susan is an Inspirational Leader and Mentor. As a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, author and counselor, Susan is committed to helping individuals with beauty from the inside out. Her unique approach combines energy healing and traditional psychological techniques that leave her clients feeling more relaxed and focused even after only a few minutes of work. She is known for her successful treatment for anxiety. Susan is blessed with her 6-year old daughter, Charlee Rose.

Happy. What is Happy?

An Unhappy Perception I hate that Pharrell song, “Happy!” Every time I hear it, I cringe. I want to pull my stereo system out of my car. (Is it even called a stereo system anymore?) I think Pharrell is antagonizing with his lyrics. “Because I’m happy—Clap along if you feel Read more

The #1 Beauty Cream for Wrinkles Will Shock You

Ugh, I spent $500 on a bottle of face cream once! Yes, I was feeling a little vulnerable after attending a launch party in Miami the night before. My goodness, the girls were gorgeous! They were decked out, made-up, and in their 20‘s and 30’s. Do you want to look Read more

Susan Miner

Susan Miner, M.A. went from posing and ‘giving face’ as a model to teaching and serving as a Psychology professor and counselor. Currently, as President and Founder of Beauty From the Inside Out, Susan is an Inspirational Leader and Mentor. As a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, author and counselor, Susan is committed to helping individuals with beauty from the inside out. Her unique approach combines energy healing and traditional psychological techniques that leave her clients feeling more relaxed and focused even after only a few minutes of work. She is known for her successful treatment for anxiety. Susan is blessed with her 6-year old daughter, Charlee Rose.

Embracing the change

As women, we move through many phases of femininity–from maiden to mother to crone. For many women, the changes associated with menopause are seen as negative. However, with the right information and resources it can be a time of empowerment and grace. Psychologically, the realization that fertility is ending can Read more

Vivian Keeler

Dr. Vivian Keeler has devoted most of her adult life to the care and education of women and their families. She has been a Chiropractic Physician since 1986 with a special focus on the health of pregnant women. She is a natural birth expert who has attended more than 800 births as a doula and has taught HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method, to hundreds of couples over the last 13 years. She is also a Certified Hypnotist. She is a faculty member of the HypnoBirthing Institute and sits on their Board of Directors. Dr. Keeler has received the HypnoBirthing Institutes Diamond Award for her contributions to the advancement of HypnoBirthing. She has shared her expertise through many speaking engagements, articles and interviews and is responsible for co-creating several training programs that have inspired many birth professionals to become agents of change in their own communities. Dr. Keeler is the co-founder of Amazing Births & Beyond and Contemporary Doula International. Her passion lies in inspiring and empowering women to create beautiful births, happy families and health in body, mind and spirit. She resides in Hollywood, Florida with her husband, Tim and their two amazing daughters, who were birthed naturally at home.