HEADLINE: “ISIS claimed responsibility after a 17-year-old migrant attacked”

“I don’t want to live in Europe anymore,” my friend Domagoj says, after a maniac mows down pedestrians with a truck in Nice on Bastille Day “what the fuck” being our shared sentiment at the appalling stream of neverending newsfeeds of firsthand accounts of terror and grief and huddling in Read more

Rachael Convery

Rachael Convery is a Classicist, Maker, and Scholar; follower of Sappho and Anne Carson; devotee of Beauty and the wildancient gods; seeker of the sacred and profane; lighter of candles upon the altars of the lost; daughter of savagedivine wolves; keeper of forgotten histories; lover of small, grand, and delicate things...

Empty Handed

I built a fort around myself I thought you could not get through- Steel and nails so high I thought I could prevent you— From ever getting inside. I crouched down low in a corner, With my daughters… And I put my hands over their mouths. I knew building the Read more

Donald Trump You are Right, the System IS Rigged

Yes, Donald, the system is rigged. Only, not in the way you say it is. The system is rigged against those about whom you say terrible things. The system is rigged against the immigrant as he tries to build a better life in this country, a safer more prosperous life, Read more

Lauren Halsted

Lauren Halsted Burroughs teaches English at Cuyamaca Community College in San Diego, CA. She began her career in writing as an editorial assistant at Surfing Girl Magazine almost two decades ago, and has worked as a journalist, grant writer, online content writer, and has dabbled in research and academic publishing. She is happiest when spending time with her two young children, family, and friends and/or playing in the ocean.

All I Can Do

I feel the malevolent thunder coming from the Right a howling nativistic storm led by the Orange monster swirling and marshaling for their inevitable attack And all I can do, is breathe the fearful angry air hold the people and things I love tighter and deeper and unflinchingly prepare To Read more

John Michael Antonio

John Michael Antonio is a freelance writer, photographer, poet and screenwriter. He claims his Midwestern roots while at the same time admitting his incurable and insatiable love and addiction for all things New York City. He has been the husband to his wife, the love of his life, for almost thirty years and is a father of three wonderful children. He is an unapologetic male feminist as well as a passionate lover of fashion, art, movies and music from all eras and genres. An endless dreamer, John Michael is also an avid historian, ex-punk rocker and a legendary Internet surfer who sleeps, on average, about four hours a day. His work has also been featured on The Good Men Project.

If Donald Trump Actually Grabbed Your P*SSY

It’s a yeast infection…It’s an STD…It’s Trump inside your Uterus. “Trumped,” a video written, directed and starring Lara Everly, gives us a full frontal, ultra-sonic look at what it would look like if Trump – along with Sarah Palin and Mike Pence – inhabited female reproductive organs. Take heed, this Read more

Lara Everly

Lara is a director, actress and writer championing women in comedy – both in front and behind the camera. She loves directing comedy, partnering with companies like Refinery 29 and FunnyorDie. She's currently doing a film festival run with her short documentary, Free to Laugh, about the power of comedy after prison. Other recent projects include The Patriettes, a musical comedy pilot about a mock government summer camp for teenagers and comedy videos for Refinery29's comedy channel Riot. Her short films have procured distribution through Shorts HD, Snag Films and Oprah.com. She's a graduate of Wesleyan University (CT) and Upright Citizens Brigade. Check out more of her work at www.laraeverly.com.

Thank YOU, Donald Trump

You’ve been a blessing to this country. Sounds crazy. The idea that the apricot hell-beast (not my words, unfortunately — ones I found in a comments section) has done anything other than divide and shame us, sounds preposterous, right? With his remarks on women and minorities, his eagerness to incite Read more

Jessica Abrams

Like her character Louise Bice in KNOCKING ON DOORS (www.knocking-on-doors.com) Jessica Abrams is a writer-slash-actress-slash-dog-walker-slash-contributor-to-an-obscure-dance-blog (although truth be told, ExploreDance.com is neither obscure nor a blog). Also like Louise, she had a stint working for the government as a field interviewer, an experience that proved to be creatively fruitful, inspiring IN TRAINING, the stories published here, and KNOCKING ON DOORS, the web series she wrote, directed and stars in. Her plays have had productions and readings in various Los Angeles venues, with “The Laughing Cow” receiving Pick of The Week by LA Weekly. She is thrilled to be a part of this amazing network of talented women.

For the Love of the Game: Soccer and Me

One of the earliest memories of my childhood was watching my friends playing soccer in front of Grandma’s house. During these impromptu matches, it was nearly impossible to cross the field on the way to the market without getting hit by one of those balls. I had the same issue Read more

Stephanie Ortez

Stephanie is a highly caffeinated mother of two wonderful boys. She is hopelessly addicted to non-fiction books and literature that moves her to tears. She is an admissions advisor for George Washington University online where she assists homeschooled students internationally. Stephanie lives with Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She is a passionate mental health advocate, member of Stigma Fighters. Her writing has been featured on The Elephant Journal, The Mighty, The Organic Coffee Haphazardly and Feminine Collective.

Are You Armed and Ready to Vote?

OK, in light of where we are at in this country right now, let me dispense with the niceties. If you are a woman in 2016 America, there are forces at work in this country, personified and emboldened by the Republican nominee for President, who want to quell you,take away Read more

John Michael Antonio

John Michael Antonio is a freelance writer, photographer, poet and screenwriter. He claims his Midwestern roots while at the same time admitting his incurable and insatiable love and addiction for all things New York City. He has been the husband to his wife, the love of his life, for almost thirty years and is a father of three wonderful children. He is an unapologetic male feminist as well as a passionate lover of fashion, art, movies and music from all eras and genres. An endless dreamer, John Michael is also an avid historian, ex-punk rocker and a legendary Internet surfer who sleeps, on average, about four hours a day. His work has also been featured on The Good Men Project.